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Regular Face as Vampire


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I'm thinking of making my current male character a vampire, but I'm worried that his face will get messed up beyond recognition. I've found a few mods that sound like they'll reduce the visual effect of becoming a vampire, but I want there to be zero effect aside from fangs.


I don't want a replacer for vampire faces, I want to use the face mods I already have installed (XCE, Eyes of Beauty).


Does a mod like this exist?

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here is one i use and it works well for me how ever the eyes are going to change regardless there is no way around it that i know of but there are a lot of mods out there to change the vampire eyes to be more subtle and attractive


vampire face mod:



Here is in my opinion one of the best vampire eye and fang mods on the nexus::


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It doesn't sound like Vampire Ugly Face Remover will use the textures from XCE (which are Gennox), but rather the non-vampire vanilla male textures.


I saw Normal Dawnguard Vampire Faces, but wasn't sure exactly what "base head reference" meant. It also says that it doesn't mess with any textures, and I was under the impression that becoming a vampire changed your face textures.

Edited by Maverick827
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It also says that it doesn't mess with any textures, and I was under the impression that becoming a vampire changed your face textures.


You misunderstood that part. Skyrim has different textures by default, one for normal face and one for vampire face. The mod is saying that it doesn't modify the texture files, it uses whatever textures are in your folder. So if another mod has changed them, it will use those (if they're in the default location that Skyrim uses).

Edited by ShadowKitty42
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It doesn't sound like Vampire Ugly Face Remover will use the textures from XCE (which are Gennox), but rather the non-vampire vanilla male textures.


I saw Normal Dawnguard Vampire Faces, but wasn't sure exactly what "base head reference" meant. It also says that it doesn't mess with any textures, and I was under the impression that becoming a vampire changed your face textures.


it's compatable all the face textures i use so long as its at the top of the load order. ugly face remover loads and replaces the face texture then the other mods load and updates the textures to a better looking one.

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