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Run the 38 Casino


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I attempted to install run the 38, it worked all fine and dandy, but my game started to crash on any kind of save, quick save, auto save, and manual save all crash my game.

I opened up the readme and it said do not start a save from the 38 casino, I didn't notice that.
I uninstalled the mod, naturally, I didn't make any progress in it since it won't save and NV crashes enough as it is, I waited to fix it until I started playing, so I won't lose progress, I got frustrated and uninstalled it, now the problem is still there. Even though it worked okay before I downloaded it.
Any idea how to fix this? I've been looking for a solution for hours.
This is a list of all the other mods I'm running, though I've had them for a few days and everything has worked fine.


Armory of Xzax
Assault Carbine Mod
Beretta 92FS mod
Essential Companions and tweaks mods (all my companions are in the lucky 38)
Unlimited Companions
Good springs filler
Good springs home
Holster Gear
My Vegas Bar 4 and its patch
New Vegas Bounties I and II
The inheritance
NCR Berets

Portable Campsite
Run a shop mod
and the tactical vest mod.

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