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The player character can be made to do pretty much any animation by console command. New vegas has some really good animations in it already that could be used for a dovahkiin relaxes too/ emote type mod. theres manipuating pipboy, looking at pipboy, lounging on couch, sitting on ground, sitting indian style, sleeping, smoking, drinking, warming hands by fire, crossing arms, i think theres also weapon idles, and theres a lot more interesting ones. i know a mod like this is very possible and i'd even give a go at making one myself if someone knowledgeable could tell me where to start im quick to pick up things.


a simple mod which i think someone with fvse experience could whip up right away is a hot key to sit indian style so you could sit anywhere around a campfire or what have you.

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Well cr*p, had a nice detailed response written out when nexus killed it. But long story short idles on players are much more complicated than on actors. It's not going to be nearly as easy as you think and console commands won't help in this context. Dead money had a way to do it via addscript package, disable controls, trigger etc. Look that up (very beginning, the staggering animation) if you want an example to follow.


sitting on the ground though may be different. I was going to start working on a request for the same thing, a while back and got side tracked. My idea was a placeAtMe of an invisible mesh with a furniture maker for sitting on it. Then the player would look down and see the sit option. You have to clean up afterwards though with disable and markForDelete.

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