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RTS-NW- Open guide


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A brief welcome...


Hi everyone I want to make a nexus community managed guide to RTS, where we can all share our tricks and tips in rts nw, as very few of us really can expose and use all the potential of this great mod, anybody is free to add something valuable to the guide or to ask, or just to really browse and look for a helpful post !.




The "rules"


- First and foremost is to keep a sense of standarization in the post, whenever you write a post make sure you write it like this.


Tittle of the topic


-step 1

-step 2*

*optional addition or alternative to step 2

-step 3


*optional addition or alternative to the whole topic.


-Name of the writer.


also search before you ask or write, in you're asking, then someone might have answered your question before, if writing search for the topic you want to write to see if someone already did, and if they did and you want to add you can:


Topic #1 -Addition or Alternative

-step 1

-step 2*

*optional addition or alternative to step 2

-step 3


*optional addition or alternative to the whole topic.


-Name of the writer.


If you want to make another chapter of a topic:


Topic 1 - Chapter 2


If you want to make a bridge between RTS and X mod:


Topic 1 bridge with X


If you want to edit something because its wrong:


Topic 1 -Edit


And so it is, now you might ask why but the answer is simple, this is a guide so to ease the search of a specific topic you use the seach bar in the upper part but it will be more effective if we have all in order.


and the last rule is to not fall in any conflict of ANY nature this is a public forum and we have to respect each other.


The purpose.


To exploit all the potential and to see all the possibilities of the RTS NW mod and to write it and document it so the community can use it as an open source.

Edited by DaedricDrummer
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Making a profitable settlement- 1 Chem Laboratory.


-Blueprint the My First Laboratory.

-Make like six or more of them.

-Blueprint a table (The Bar table works the best).

-make one for every three labs.

-Go to the academy (Or any cell).

-Arrange the tables and then put the labs on top of them.

-Leave all the labs brewing.



* You could add a safe or more near the tables to store all the chems so you can sell in big batches, and also if you have FWE, it will make also the FWE's chems so the profit is really good although passive and slow, but it doesn't cost you anything.

** I have six labs and every 36 chems I go out and sell then to the merchant on my village, the profit really depends about the chems and the quantity of each but is a nice cut.


Making profitable settlement- 2 Farm Baron*.

(I'm not going to spoil on how you get the farm if you have it then you know it :smile: )


-Start making a lot of crops and I mean a LOT, you will need meat many meat*, for the compost.

*You can use any meat, and when I say any I really refer to using human meat, harvest mutilated body parts with the Friendly Neighbor and then use the Bob-B-Q grill, Located in Andale, the Smith's basement and located in the Grisly diner. It is north of the Temple of the Union, respectively.

-Fertilize them, water them and just take care of them.

-When they grow up you can then harvest them and sell them, the profit isn't very big but something is something right ?*

*You can of course edit the price of the fruits and vegetables in the FO3 edit so you can really profit from that, but remember if you care for inmersion don't put ridiculous prices.

-You can put a few crates around so you can store your stock and when you have a good quantity go and sell your work.

Edited by DaedricDrummer
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