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[LE] CK error - flattened terrain after LOD with oscape


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Not sure if this is common bug, or something that happen rarely.

Basically my new world space gets flattened below water level, with handplaced objects untouched. I'm aware I cannot undo the changes cause my ESP is significantly lighter from 8 MB to less than 1 MB.

Steps I did was creating another lod, trees using CK inbuilt, and terrain using oscape, and then dyndolod. Now my world is flat except couple cells round position 0.0


Fortunately I got recovery ESP from 3 days old. I want to move records from the current ESP (with placed objects) into the old one, where terrain is still intact. How can I do this without messing with mastering the current ESP with old one?

Can anyone more experienced guide me through this?

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Update: in tes5edit I checked that there are no records of landscape in most of cells in blocks. There is only "temporary" reference, with nothing else.

And terrain mesh is flat, the height varies in each cell.

So I need just copy the 'landscape' reference from backup ESP onto this feral one.

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