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Automaticly healing limbs


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I would like to see a mod allowing you to heal limbs automatically after combat. Medicine and endurance should increase its speed, however, as a "Hardcore-mode" modtester i'm tiered of running out of doctorsbags and such and would rather use them in Heavy combat instead.

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I would like to see a mod allowing you to heal limbs automatically after combat. Medicine and endurance should increase its speed, however, as a "Hardcore-mode" modtester i'm tiered of running out of doctorsbags and such and would rather use them in Heavy combat instead.


Yeah that's easy, it's just a restoreAV for each part that can be crippled. It can be added to a quest script for the player. I'll put it together for you when I get home from work, or tomorrow, time permitting.

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OK it's all done. It's set to restore all crippled parts, and can take up to 5 seconds, although I can change that for you to any value, 1 second, 30 seconds whatever. Just drop it in your data directory and select it in your launcher of choice.

It's here.


Note I did this as a quest script, instead of a object script on a token or something. It's a very basic script taking the most minute/tiny fraction of cpu time, and because I had a token that caused dead money to crash when starting the mod (trying to remove a token, along with my equipment, that was designed to stay with the player).

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