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scrap all of one type of item in an area.


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so let's ay i' m in sanctuary Hills and want to scrap ll of the broken mailbox items. is ther ea way to make amod that checks for all objects in the settlementbounds with that Base ID and and scrap them all ato nce?

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There is a mod called Auto Loot, it's been removed from the Nexus mod pages, but should be available from other mod websites. I'm on Steam but I created an account at Bethesda. net in order to get mods from them. There are other websites but you will need to find them yourself. Auto Loot once installed can be configured from in-game to collect the loot you want and not grab stuff you don't. You can also set how wide an area you want to loot. You can tell it to only loot guns, it will grab all lootable guns in the radius you pick, or you can grab every single piece of loot in that same area. With it set to collect, you can walk where you want to and it will grab everything you set it for in the areas you travel. You probably want some kind of weight mod or you might walk down a single street and go over your weight limit. And it's instantaneous.

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There is a mod called Auto Loot, it's been removed from the Nexus mod pages, but should be available from other mod websites. I'm on Steam but I created an account at Bethesda. net in order to get mods from them. There are other websites but you will need to find them yourself. Auto Loot once installed can be configured from in-game to collect the loot you want and not grab stuff you don't. You can also set how wide an area you want to loot. You can tell it to only loot guns, it will grab all lootable guns in the radius you pick, or you can grab every single piece of loot in that same area. With it set to collect, you can walk where you want to and it will grab everything you set it for in the areas you travel. You probably want some kind of weight mod or you might walk down a single street and go over your weight limit. And it's instantaneous.

thanks for trying but not quite what I was asking about. I used mailbox posts as an example pacifically because I mostly mean mass scrapping of world objects by type rather than inventory items. Fromw hat I've seen and havn't seen it doesn't seem possible but I thought i'd ask. But again thank you for the suggestion.

Edited by tnu
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