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"Book of the Dragonborn"


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Credit to jackalsbane1996 on Steam, whose idea for a library-mod gave me mine.


My idea is as follows:

The Dragonborn is a very famous and noticeable person, be they a True Hero or a Sneaky Thief or whatever you can think of.

People would be very interested in getting to know them, if not personally, then at least through reading about them. I am sure there are many experienced Scribes wanting to talk to the Dragonborn.

One of those Scribes was a bit more forceful and managed to get an interview! The Scribe wants to write a book and asks the Dovahkiin a series of questions.


Basically: think about the Choose-your-Class Questionaires in Morrowind and Oblivion. Or maybe the "Wasteland Survival Guide"-Quest in Fallout 3.


What I would like to see is a Book with many different styles of writing and stories in it, depending on how you answer questions (sassy, polite, threatening, a bit dumb, very academical etc.)

or what quests you've done / guilds you've joined, as well as the skills you favour.

The overall tone/style of writing would depend on how you answered most. If your answers are very scientific, the book will have an academical feel. If you're threatening and boasting, it will be a bit aggressive.

If you give kind-of-dumb answers, the book will be written in a very simple style, maybe with a few grammatical errors.

The stories in it would depend on either: what quests you've done (with a few handpicked choices) and what guild you're the most advanced in; propably also if you chose a side in the war.

Maybe, if it is possible, certain details would change depending on what weapon/magic skill you favor or if you have a Follower with you.

It would propably not depend on race, except for maybe a short paragraph if you chose Imperial/Stormcloak in the war.



It would be great, if we could get a few people writing entries. That way we could get different personalities and styles of writing across.

The person writing with a Strong Stormcloak Nord TM in mind would sound very different to the person writing a sneaky archer. The silvertongued rogue would sound different to the absentminded Illusionist etc.



I have no experience in modding and would give this idea into the capable hands of anyone who is willing. Still, I am offering to write a few entries and maybe discuss the idea more, if someone is willing.



List of potential Authors:


- Ashtolith

- DerAlleinTiger

Edited by Ashtolith
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I'm all in for writing. I have basic modding experience so I can help any other, more experienced, modders that would want to take this up. I've been able to make new books, albeit really simple ones without any fancy coding or formatting, re-stat some items, and create basic followers. Again, nothing too extensive or complex, but that's more than most average players can say. Honestly, I'd be better just being a writer; but I'm still here if help is needed.

Edited by DerAlleinTiger
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