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Gaige's cyborg-arm form Borderlands 2


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I hope people are still reading these threads. Anyway, let's cut to the chase: Gaige from Borderlands 2 has an awesome cyborg arm, could someone make a mod where my (female) New Vegas character could have one? Maybe make a custom Desert Succubus-type that has it? Google "gaige" if you want some reference-images.

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I did point out that I wanted it for a female character.

It's not hard to do *a* female mesh, but your going to have to do it for *every* female outfit your player may wear. I could make you one or two though if you never change clothes.


Awesome! Do you need info on what appearance-changing mods I use? I'm using Shiloh's Desert Succubus race for one thing (which is nice because then my character can wear all the stuff from mods that require type3 without coming across as a necrophilic panty-thief :tongue: )


So if you can replace meaty parts with robotics on a modded skin the tippity-top of my list would be the badlands armor from http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45684/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D45684%26user%3D1&pUp=1






Followed by the leather armor from the same:



Number 3 is this outfit:






If for whatever reason it has to be vanilla-equipment (if it's ridicilous to assume this feel free to make fun of me if you're actually doing this) I'd like it to be the standard leather armor, or perhaps the unique variants so Sunny Smiles and caravan guards don't sport identical copies of my chars custom made cybernetics :smile:


If you just make one of them I'll be a happy salmon. I'm readying a "you're awesome!" response just in case this actually happens :tongue:

Edited by Trask
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Due Izumiko's relatively poor english, it's not 100% clear that anyone can distribute mods with his mod assets. He writes:


I'm glad to please free to modify, at the time of diversion and enjoy writing credit.
Thank you for all moder Bezesuda and made a great game
Reproduction to other uploader, etc. Please refrain from things that this MOD files


Maybe his English may have improved over the past year since the release of that mod. Just to make sure everything is copacetic, I recommend that you, Trask, message Izumiko for clarity about what he wrote. Specifically ask if he basically wrote "Anyone can use assets from this mod in their mod as long as they credit him/her"


As for the Vegas Girl outfit, the author has provided open permission so anyone who wants to help you there is good to go.

Edited by dangman4ever
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Due Izumiko's relatively poor english, it's not 100% clear that anyone can distribute mods with his mod assets. He writes:


I'm glad to please free to modify, at the time of diversion and enjoy writing credit.

Thank you for all moder Bezesuda and made a great game

Reproduction to other uploader, etc. Please refrain from things that this MOD files


Maybe his English may have improved over the past year since the release of that mod. Just to make sure everything is copacetic, I recommend that you, Trask, message Izumiko for clarity about what he wrote. Specifically ask if he basically wrote "Anyone can use assets from this mod in their mod as long as they credit him/her"


As for the Vegas Girl outfit, the author has provided open permission so anyone who wants to help you there is good to go.

Thanks for the tip, I'm awaiting his answer.

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Thanks for the tip, I'm awaiting his answer.

I woudln't sweat it too much if he doesn't answer. Give it a few days or if your the patient type a week. The reason it's not a big deal is the mesh isn't his, just a port, the original is made by Tumbajamba (which has done some great models) and if you can't get permission I can use the original FO3 version (free use). I seriously doubt Gashjackel did much more than a simple port, possibly a little texture work.

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Thanks for the tip, I'm awaiting his answer.

I woudln't sweat it too much if he doesn't answer. Give it a few days or if your the patient type a week. The reason it's not a big deal is the mesh isn't his, just a port, the original is made by Tumbajamba (which has done some great models) and if you can't get permission I can use the original FO3 version (free use). I seriously doubt Gashjackel did much more than a simple port, possibly a little texture work.


Well, whatever the situation, Izumiko wrote this to me:

"I give permission to you

Please tell me the address Once you have completed"


Even though I said that I requested a mod based on his own mod, not making one myself (not trying to claim credit here!). I'm sure the permission extends to whoever wants to create this awesome thing.

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