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Okay i got this idea in my sleep,

After watching the entire Anime series of Sword art online(Hang with me here).....in my dream where i was in a Place just like Sword art online,Exept Extremely altered. This was one thing that made me Make this post,But iv found why i usually dont play Skyrim as much as i used to,And one of them was i was tired of the superpowered magic,and how with a lot of mods (I Like to overhaul games) Magic becomes a godslap.and theres so many enemies that can use magic it becomes a sort of annoying game. I mean i can play it,and i love the elderscrolls games and other similar RPGs.But i just think its a matter of Preference and i just feel like having a different experience.(Im sorry im dragging this on ill cut to the chase).

Basically There are many ways the Modder can handle this request, but i believe a Mod where magic is Removed from the game is replaced by characters Having to rely on sword figting and bows and arrows......And those of you who start to say "Well I LOVE MY MAGE,either this mod idea is not for you,Or they can make a Version where the gameplay isnt broken,Such as Certain characters having Magic, Including the main character......Magic doesnt need to removed but i think the 1/3 enemies that have magic could be lowered to a number like 1/50 or 1/100.......Its really A matter of preference.........You could even (with Permission of the Modder) Make it compatible with SkyRE and Alternate Start,That way the sword fighting is meaty,And You could choose whether you have magic or not.I really am hoping someone Reads this and Gives me there opinion below.....And Maybe Just MAYBE Im lucky and a modder will Create it

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