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[Suggestion] Delete our own forum comments?


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Perhaps this is only an issue on mod-thread posts, and it is entirely likely you have this disabled for a reason, but is there any chance you could allow deletion of your own comments? I had a comment not attach as a response in a mod page thread just now, and I was unable to delete it. I edited it to ask for ask for it to be deleted then reposted the response properly. The comment *had* been properly attached when I decided to see if I could delete it from the forum thread, so it ended up making my edit into a third post and the response is double posted there. :confused: Even if the function was restricted to the actual forums (but correctly updated the mod page thread), this kind of self-editing and moderation might help keep clearer communications.


Alternately, allowing mod-page personnel (be it the owner of the mod/page or someone they've given access to help them) to "Hide and ask for moderation" on their own posts to clean up items like accidental double-posts would be useful.

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This issue has been raised before. The problem is that the trolls and flamers would use that privilege to try to erase the evidence of their more egregious behaviour.


You are always welcome to "Edit" your own comment in order to correct it, or to simply note "Posted in error", "Wrong topic", or "Double post". I've seen all of those. You can also "Report" your own post to the Staff with information that you'd like it removed.


Your alternative suggestion has already been adopted. Mod authors can currently do exactly as you have described for posts in their mods' "Official Comments" threads.

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