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Crash when loading saves


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whenever I attempt to load an autosave or quicksave for my current character it loads, I hear my spells equip, it stays on a black screen and stops responding.


the only save before that, that works, is ages ago so anything to fix the problem is greatly appreciated.


I'm not even sure where to find additional information related to the crash (crash logs or whatnot) so that could also be helpful


Things that haven't worked:

restarting computer

updating SKAE64

cleaned everything with LOOT

Edited by piemaster19
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Have you tried ReSaver? I had the same trouble as yours (probably due to adding too many animations), but ReSaver solved the problem.


Here's my recipe.


1. Get ReSaver from nexus. (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5031)


2. Execute ReSaver.exe and open the savedata (xxxxxx.ess file in your Skyrim SE savedata folder) you want to load.


3. (optional) Remove unattached instances from Clean menu. This makes changes to your savedata, so could be dangerous. I always do this, and I haven't encountered any problem so far. Create backup if you like.


4. Save your game from File menu to your Skyrim savedata folder under a new name. (e.g. save1.ess) If you're using SKSE, SKSE file is automatically created from the original file.


5. Shut down other programs and run Skyrim SE. Load the new savedata you created above. If fail, don't give up there and repeat the above procedure from 2 to 5.


6. Alternatively, pick a save that can be loaded safely (could be any data) and load it from the main menu. Once you're in Skyrim successfully, open the system menu and try loading the one you want.


I don't know why this works, but now I'm free from any crash at loading saves. If you want a fundamental solution, this article (http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/crpjw9/about_ctds_on_save/) may be helpful.


I hope this info could help you.

Edited by jamiedow99
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