Deleted7189167User Posted August 14, 2013 Share Posted August 14, 2013 I have a long list of mods that I plan to soon install (I'll be playing on a completely new save if that's important). However, the list is frighteningly large (there are so many great mods here on Nexus!) and I'm not sure if I'm going to run into problems or not, when it comes to both their compatibility and whether my system can handle all these. I plan to install them in the following order, with the latter ones overwriting the former ones when necessary. I know that since the list is so large, I can't expect someone to look at every mod, but I'd just like a general idea of if the more major mods (especially the more "tricky" ones like lighting, for instance) would work well with each other. Also, can I successfully run the game with these mods without encountering major problems (lag, crashes, etc.) with 12 GB of ram and an Nvidea GTX 645 graphics card? The mods and DLC I will (hopefully) be installing: DawnguardHearthfireDragonbornFalskaarBethesda's High Res PackUnofficial Skyrim PatchUnofficial Dawnguard PatchUnofficial Hearthfire PatchUnofficial Dragonborn PatchUnofficial High Res PatchSKSESkyUIRuins Clutter ImprovementBetter Dynamic SnowDetailed ChestsBetter Rocks and MountainsUltimate HD Fire EffectsSMIMSkyrim HD (lite version)High Quality Food and IngredientsSnow and Rocks Textures HDAOF Detailed MountainsSkyrim Flora OverhaulChimneys for SkyrimSkyirm Distant DetailDragon Glyphs HD-FixedFootprints (with ash)HD Plants and HerbsLanterns of Skyrim (MCM edition)Hires Road SignsMoss RocksPoint the WayReal Ice (glacier pack)Realistic MushroomsRealistic Tundra MossRe-Defined DungeonsTrees HDVibrant AurorasVisible WindowsWATER (just for the extras, not the actual water)Pure Waters (for the actual water)Windmills ResizedAnimal and Creature Pack101 BugsAIMPAOF Believable HairBellyaches HD DragonBirds of SkyrimBeardsBrowsMore Village AnimalsPond FishXCEXCE-DawnguardAccingte VosBook of SilenceDaedric Armor and Weapon ImprovementExplosive Bolts VisualizedCloser Quivers and Longer ArrowsElemental StaffsElven Weapons for SilenceDe-LARP-Ification ProjectGreatswords Sheaths ThinnerJewels of the NordUltimate HD TorchAnimated Weapon EnchantsBetter Turn AnimationDeadly Spell ImpactsEnhanced BloodFiner DustImproved Weapon ImpactNo Spinning Death AnimationRealistic Smoke and EmbersShooting StarsSkyrim Sunglare (with lens effect)The 418th StepBetter ShadowmarksTenets RestoredDesigns of the NordsDetailed RugsBloody Dragon BonesHD BasketsHD LinensHD Ore and IngotsHQ Skyrim Map V2Intricate Spider WebsHD Display CasePilgrims DelightRealistic InsturmentsWine CellarAmbient SeagullsBetter Animal FootstepsBetter BardsNo Pause Between LinesBetter Weapon Swing SoundsClanking ArmorHeart of the BeastImproved Combat SoundsImproved Horse StepsBow Shoot SoundsCrossbow Shoot SoundsThundering ShoutsWaterbreating Breathless EmergeArs MetallicaAuto Unequip AmmoClams Drop PearlsConvenient HorsesFollower Trap SafetyNon-Essential ChildrenPaarthurnax DilemmaRun for your LivesTraps make NoiseWhen Vampires AttackWet and ColdWet and Cold-AshesAppropriately Attired JarlsGuard Diologue OverhaulEven Better Quest ObjectivesRealistic RagdollsHigh Quality 3d MapImmersive HUDLore-Based Loading ScreensQuality World MapSpinning Skyirm EmblemMain Font ReplacementDeadly DragonsDragonbone Ebonsteel ArmorBordersenseAtlas Map MarkersDragon KnowledgeUnread Books GlowTTYMLockpick GraduationCloaks of SkyrimFrostfallThe Dance of DeathSplash of RainOpen Faced Guard HelmetsBandolier-Bags and PouchesDiamond SmithingAchieve ThatArchery-Spinning ArrowsFootsteps SoundsSkill Interface RetextureRealistic Needs and DiseasesClimates of TamrielEnhanced Lights and FXClimates of Tamriel (extras)Book CoversBGM Glass and Elven Armor (only using glass)Lush TreesLush GrassUnlimited BookshelvesImmersive BedsBetter Dialogue ControlsHarvest OverhaulImmersive ArmorsImmersive WeaponsTime on Loading Screen Thanks for any help! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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