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Mods Compatibility+System Help


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I have a long list of mods that I plan to soon install (I'll be playing on a completely new save if that's important). However, the list is frighteningly large (there are so many great mods here on Nexus!) and I'm not sure if I'm going to run into problems or not, when it comes to both their compatibility and whether my system can handle all these. I plan to install them in the following order, with the latter ones overwriting the former ones when necessary. I know that since the list is so large, I can't expect someone to look at every mod, but I'd just like a general idea of if the more major mods (especially the more "tricky" ones like lighting, for instance) would work well with each other. Also, can I successfully run the game with these mods without encountering major problems (lag, crashes, etc.) with 12 GB of ram and an Nvidea GTX 645 graphics card?


The mods and DLC I will (hopefully) be installing:







Bethesda's High Res Pack

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch

Unofficial Dragonborn Patch

Unofficial High Res Patch



Ruins Clutter Improvement

Better Dynamic Snow

Detailed Chests

Better Rocks and Mountains

Ultimate HD Fire Effects


Skyrim HD (lite version)

High Quality Food and Ingredients

Snow and Rocks Textures HD

AOF Detailed Mountains

Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Chimneys for Skyrim

Skyirm Distant Detail

Dragon Glyphs HD-Fixed

Footprints (with ash)

HD Plants and Herbs

Lanterns of Skyrim (MCM edition)

Hires Road Signs

Moss Rocks

Point the Way

Real Ice (glacier pack)

Realistic Mushrooms

Realistic Tundra Moss

Re-Defined Dungeons

Trees HD

Vibrant Auroras

Visible Windows

WATER (just for the extras, not the actual water)

Pure Waters (for the actual water)

Windmills Resized

Animal and Creature Pack

101 Bugs


AOF Believable Hair

Bellyaches HD Dragon

Birds of Skyrim



More Village Animals

Pond Fish



Accingte Vos

Book of Silence

Daedric Armor and Weapon Improvement

Explosive Bolts Visualized

Closer Quivers and Longer Arrows

Elemental Staffs

Elven Weapons for Silence

De-LARP-Ification Project

Greatswords Sheaths Thinner

Jewels of the Nord

Ultimate HD Torch

Animated Weapon Enchants

Better Turn Animation

Deadly Spell Impacts

Enhanced Blood

Finer Dust

Improved Weapon Impact

No Spinning Death Animation

Realistic Smoke and Embers

Shooting Stars

Skyrim Sunglare (with lens effect)

The 418th Step

Better Shadowmarks

Tenets Restored

Designs of the Nords

Detailed Rugs

Bloody Dragon Bones

HD Baskets

HD Linens

HD Ore and Ingots

HQ Skyrim Map V2

Intricate Spider Webs

HD Display Case

Pilgrims Delight

Realistic Insturments

Wine Cellar

Ambient Seagulls

Better Animal Footsteps

Better Bards

No Pause Between Lines

Better Weapon Swing Sounds

Clanking Armor

Heart of the Beast

Improved Combat Sounds

Improved Horse Steps

Bow Shoot Sounds

Crossbow Shoot Sounds

Thundering Shouts

Waterbreating Breathless Emerge

Ars Metallica

Auto Unequip Ammo

Clams Drop Pearls

Convenient Horses

Follower Trap Safety

Non-Essential Children

Paarthurnax Dilemma

Run for your Lives

Traps make Noise

When Vampires Attack

Wet and Cold

Wet and Cold-Ashes

Appropriately Attired Jarls

Guard Diologue Overhaul

Even Better Quest Objectives

Realistic Ragdolls

High Quality 3d Map

Immersive HUD

Lore-Based Loading Screens

Quality World Map

Spinning Skyirm Emblem

Main Font Replacement

Deadly Dragons

Dragonbone Ebonsteel Armor


Atlas Map Markers

Dragon Knowledge

Unread Books Glow


Lockpick Graduation

Cloaks of Skyrim


The Dance of Death

Splash of Rain

Open Faced Guard Helmets

Bandolier-Bags and Pouches

Diamond Smithing

Achieve That

Archery-Spinning Arrows

Footsteps Sounds

Skill Interface Retexture

Realistic Needs and Diseases

Climates of Tamriel

Enhanced Lights and FX

Climates of Tamriel (extras)

Book Covers

BGM Glass and Elven Armor (only using glass)

Lush Trees

Lush Grass

Unlimited Bookshelves

Immersive Beds

Better Dialogue Controls

Harvest Overhaul

Immersive Armors

Immersive Weapons

Time on Loading Screen




Thanks for any help!

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