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How can I add nightvision to a helmet?


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I'm guessing you can do it with Geck but I see no enchants for it in the drop down menu so if anyone could please tell me how I can do it I'd appreciate it. But that being said. I have 0 experience using GECK 0 experience doing coding or anything of the sort. I would have NO IDEA what I was doing if I tried this myself. So please be a thorough in your explanation as you can possibly be. Spell it out for me like I'm a complete idiot because as far as doing custom mods goes I am lol. I have the advanced recon armor mod but I want to add night vision to the ranger helmet I ported over from NV.


Advanced recon mod for anyone who doesn't know what I'm referring to. http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/2654//?



Edited by Khailik
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I don't know how the popular night vision modders did it, but mine worked like this:


I made some custom effect shaders.

I used a FOSE Ref Walk to scan the surroundings for all available references and applied the effect shaders on the appropriate refs using the PMS script command.

I had to add a bit more scripting to be careful to remove the effect shaders (using SMS) when leaving cells/traveling and the like.


If you like, here is a link to a you tube video I made demonstrating the night vision effect along with a few other devices I was toying with three years ago.

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