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OnUpdate() Speeding up over time


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Event OnUpdate()

Bool bIsInventoryMenuOpen = UI.IsMenuOpen("Crafting Menu")

	 If bIsInventoryMenuOpen  == True


		Game.AdvanceSkill("alchemy", 18)




So im using this to add skills while the player is at a crafting table. The problem is, after an extended amount of time, say 5-10 minutes, the backlog of updates comes flooding in to the point where its like 3-4 updates a second. is there a better way to make the updates run at a more consistent time?


I dont want to use game time because everyone uses a different timescale.


any ideas?

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I've also noticed that the OnUpdate event doesn't work reliably while in menus. Instead, I would try a while loop:


Function AdvanceSkillInMenu() 
    While  UI.IsMenuOpen("Crafting Menu") 
        Game.AdvanceSkill("alchemy", 18)
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I've also noticed that the OnUpdate event doesn't work reliably while in menus. Instead, I would try a while loop:


Function AdvanceSkillInMenu() 
    While  UI.IsMenuOpen("Crafting Menu") 
        Game.AdvanceSkill("alchemy", 18)




Thank you for your reply, ive been using a while since i read your message but it was still stacking.



I finally figured out, the game must reactivate the crafting tables after a certain amount of time to see if the player is at them.



I found out with a message box and sure enough, after a set amount of time the message box would show up.


Event OnActivate(ObjectReference ReferenceAlias)

if (PlayerRef.GetSitState() != 3)

debug.messagebox("player is sitting already")



thanks for your help im using a while and the menu wait as well :thumbsup: sorry it took so long to reply :tongue:


I looked for so long for a reason my code was running twice, I was certain something in my mod was activating it twice.



now i can finally remove the onupdate.

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