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Increased Wild Goats Spawns in the wilds


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I am using SkyTEST and there are so many creatures out in the wilds with the exception of goats. No wild goats to be seen anywhere in the plains or on the mountains. Even in the villages like Rorikstead there is just ONE goat and it's child (thanks to SkyTEST). Even in vanilla Skyrim I rarely (read never) came across a goat in the wilds.


Therefore, I would really appreciate it if someone could make a simple mod that adds a moderate amount of wild goat spawns to random points in the wilderness, thus completing the list of creatures that are found and can be hunted in the wild.


I have searched the nexus, forums and google and cannot find such a mod anywhere, so I would be extremely grateful to anyone who could make this simple (I think) mod. Cheers! :smile:

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