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recent mod seems to have vanished?


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It could have been deleted by the author, or something like that

There could be different reasons for what you are seeing, and it is very difficult to tell from the little info you are providing


I'm assuming you still have your browsing history from the past few days? if so, could you try to find the link to the mod you are missing?

If you could do that, we could try to figure out what exactly happened to stop you from tracking that mod

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You can see the title of the tab "Skyrim Decryptor - DELETED"

The 'DELETED' part means that the mod was deleted from the Nexus

This could be due to the mod author removing it

Seeing as I don't know who the author is, I can't tell if they are still members of if they deleted their profile \ or banned, so it's tough to tell really why the mod is gone

But at least this answers your question of why you can't find it

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