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TESVI Setting and Plot


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Which part of Tamriel do you hope will the setting of the next TES game? Since most of Tamriel has been featured now, there isn't much left that has not been seen...


I'm really hoping for Summerset Isles, cause they sound so wicked amazing, and I really want to see the great city of Alinor. Plus, as the beating heart of the Aldmeri Dominion and the mighty Altmer race, it seems like the most ideal setting for some big, important, history and world changing event.


Valenwood might be cool, but... I don't know. I like places with lots and lots of trees and plant life, and moving tree cities sound so very awesome, but I just don't see something important happening there.


I think Blackmarsh would be really cool too, but unless they do some serious retconning, I don't know if that would work, because it and the Argonians as a race haven't really played a part in any significant events of the Elder Scrolls series, so again, I don't see it as a likely setting for an important event. Also, it's supposed to be extremely volatile, and nigh impossible for non-Argonians to survive there...


Not interested in Elsweyr because the Khajiit are not cool anymore since the Thalmor moved in. They're a beast race, which most other races have a lot of distaste for. I have no idea why a race of cat people loves a bunch of omnicidal elves so much, and wants to lick their boots and be their servants. And since High Elves most especially don't like beast races, I have no idea why they would accept them as allies, even as servants...


It would be amazing if they did another game set in Morrowind, or Hammerfell and High Rock (from Daggerfall), but I'm sure it's not likely, since folks may find it really redundant...


As for the plot... let's see, an evil wizard imprisoning and impersonating the Emperor, trying to rebuild a broken old war machine, some self-made wannabe deities deliberately trying to screw up their own world, some crazy cultists wanting their oversized chili pepper god to destroy the world, and an angsty Dragon god trying to destroy the world have all been done...


What will be next?


I'll probably be way off, but the only guess I can make is possibly a foreign invasion, most likely from Akavir. That's probably a very remote possibility, though. Or maybe it'll be about yet another upstart "deity" wanting to destroy all of existence... you know, the usual.

Edited by Lehcar
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