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Some stealth ideas


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Hiding Bodies Seriously, this has bugged me from day one; a Raider or an Enclave soldier or what-have-you can just walk by his dead comrade like nothing happened? I mean, it was annoying in Oblivion, but here it's downright insulting! At least they could get more suspicios or alert if they see a body, which brings me to my next point:


Alert Statuses I think that, in bases like Evergreen Mills or the like, there should be some sort of alarm system. Not like now, whee one person can see you and the entire area goes berserk, but things like increased vision, vision range, and some sort of artificial light that the actual player can't see might be a good idea.


Instant Kills I'm really all good with the sneak bonuses, but is doesn't seem like guns should even have that sort of a bonus. So instead of that, I propose different "instant kill" items that work when you walk right up to a person undetected. Or, to take it a step further, poisons and martial arts moves that tie in with the Medical and Unarmed stats, respectively. It could even use the menu system from the pickpocketing.


Knocking Out and Karma I've always wondered exactly what kind of karma system it is when you can run up to a raider, before he shoots you, and shoot him in the back (the most cowardly means of attack, by the way) with absolutely no karma loss. If you used a tranqualizer dart, though, or some more martial arts expertise, that seems like a more appreciative means of disabling an opponent.



So, yeah... just throwing some ideas in the air. I have absolutely zilch modding experience, so any of these projects I attempt will probably take a remarkably long time. But then, it might be worth it. Sneaking behind a raider, knocking him unconcious, dragging his body to a dark corner, and sniping another with a tranqualizer dart is something I could very much appreciate.


And yes, I have just been playing Metal Gear Solid.

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