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Stardew Valley

Can't get custom Night Market to load


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Hello! Just as the title says, I can't get a custom re-color of the night market to load in game. I've tried several different ways of typing it out in my content.json, but none of it works. It always loads the default. I think I must be missing something.

"Action": "EditImage",
"Target": "Maps/night_market_tilesheet_obejcts",
"FromFile": "assets/night_market_tilesheet_objects.png",
"Enabled": true

This is currently what I have in my .json and I've also tried changing the Action to Load, as well as adding the area dimensions.

All I have done to the image is tone down the colors and make the dock wood match a mod I have of the winter beach. This is the only thing I've had trouble getting to load, everything else I've edited or downloaded works fine, so I'm stuck on how to fix it. I figured I find out of someone here knew what the problem was and could shed some light on the issue.
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