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I'd like to request a talented Modder make something for me plz


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So I love monster hunter, always been the biggest fan and I've just recently got my own pc and I'm new to the modding community and would like to ask one of these talented ppl who work hard to make nexus mods the awesome place it is.


I'd like to ask one of you to mod this picture for me in monster hunter world,

I know its a lil late and all but this is kinda like my chritsmas/birthday gift to me since I've kinda had a shitty year and would love this cool lil pick me up.


Please write back if anyone's interested in taking up this favor for me if you'd like to talk with me more on discord: J, Joanah Jameson#2743 - this is the easiest way to get ahold of me, hope to hear from you soon!

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