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dog that knows clairvoyance


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I have always used clairvoyance when I am doing a quest, it really helps me a ton because the arrow is not just that informative. However I am always stuck with only one offensive spell and I would also like to be able to use two offensive spells and have clairvoyace at the same time. Is it possible to have a dog follower that knows claivoyance? If there is an active quest, the dog will function similar to the clairvyance spell. He will lead the player to the direction where the clairvoyance spell would point if it is cast. The dog will stop and bark at the owner if he's not catching up to him. He would also stop and bark after every few feet so the player can see where he is. If it leads to a door or another loading screen, the dog would not get in the door and just wait there. During combat, he would fight like a normal dog, and his clairvoyance skill would only be activated outside of combat. There is no need for a visual effects like the spell since he would be a dog.

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Funnily enough I have actually done something similar in my own game while I was playing around with trying to mimic the behavior of the dog from Fable 3 (Had limited success :down: but damn i like that dog's AI). I was using it to allow the dog to lead the player to a destination of their choosing, but I am not sure if it's possible to get quest objectives through scripts.


I'll have a look and get back to ya.

Edited by CraftySentinel
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Ok, how did it go? He does not really have to be a dog, he could also be a human that leads the player to the current objective.


The issue isn't that it's a dog, animals and humanoids use the same AI system. It's just that I can't find a decent way of getting the target of the compass (or the quest objectives target)so the guide can move towards it. If I can solve that then the rest should fall into place.

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