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Remove HUD, Debug Camera


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Hello, very clever and wonderful modders. I have a simple request,


I want a key bind that can COMPLETELY remove all the HUD items.


And i want to be able to control the debug camera.


Regards the HUD, i've unlocked the dev console and tried virtually every command i can come across. I can remove everything except the blue rectangular movement box, the blue and yellow movement areas, and the safe area. I've tried uitogglehardhide, uitogglevisibility, toggle(just about everything), showHUD, removeHUD, toggleHUD, you name it i've tried it.


I'm missing something, please help


Next is the debugCamera, i can toggle it on (using toggledebugCamera or something like that) so i move the mouse and the camera pans around, i just can't move the position of the camera. There are debug camera controls in one of the input configs, but i have no idea how to get them working in game.


In an ideal world i would love a key bind that, pauses the action, removes ALL the HUD, and gives me control of the debug camera.


This is all for screenshotting purposes, and would make me very very happy indeed.


Please help me modders, you're my only hope....


ps i've done some screenshots already but only using the glam cam, have a look http://www.flickr.com/photos/90838688@N06/sets/72157635046887990/

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