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Followers can contrat Vampireism and Werewolf...ism


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Your follower would have to wait the incubation period to make it lore friendly. A Non-Lore friendly idea to help facilitate followers turning would be to make a potion that made a script run so that if your follower's HP dipped say below 30% or so the magically enhanced potion would kick in and cause them to go beast form. Or you could make one turn them into a vampire or vampire lord, the problem therein lies with the new vampire not feeding, so they progress eventually to stage 4 vampirism and in theory should be attacked on sight.


(I've done a similar effect making a beast form poison which incites frenzy so for 2 minutes after the poison is applied to a humanoid race they are forced to transform and go on a rampage. makes it really fun to hide in the shadows and shoot 1 target out of a group of say 10 bandits with a Moon Ink dipped arrow and watch the rampage. And also racially themed poisons for applying a Silver Nitrate or Holywater effect, one being good for permanently effecting werewolves to the point of their death and the other for doing the same to undead targets "vampires, zombies, skeletons.)

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