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Texture Transition


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Well u need the texture and .dds and _n.dds

If u have this:

1. Go to 'object window' -> 'miscellaneous' -> 'textureset'

2. Create a new texture set and name it

3. Add the normal .dds under 'diffuse'

4. Add the _n.dds under 'normal/gloss' and save the set

5. Go to 'object window' -> 'miscellaneous' -> 'LandTexture'

6. create a New land texture and name it

7. Add the new texture set to the land texture

8. Open the landscape editing and select your new landscape texture

9. set Maximum Opacity to something around 25/50 and draw via rightclik around the edge of the riverbed.

Edited by Gaedel
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Ähhh not so fast, wich program i have to use ??



Ahhh :whistling: Creation Kit all right, i try tomorrow now it´s bed time.

Thx for responding so fast Gaedel.

Edited by jones81
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