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CTD when approching any cities/settlements


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Hi !
I'm asking for help, i've spent many many hours trying to make load orders right but it seems my brain has reached its max capacity ...

Could you help me find what is wrong with my load order please ? Thank you !!

Load order :


0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
254 FE 0 ccbgssse002-exoticarrows.esl
254 FE 1 ccbgssse003-zombies.esl
254 FE 2 ccbgssse004-ruinsedge.esl
254 FE 3 ccbgssse006-stendarshammer.esl
254 FE 4 ccbgssse007-chrysamere.esl
254 FE 5 ccbgssse010-petdwarvenarmoredmudcrab.esl
254 FE 6 ccbgssse014-spellpack01.esl
254 FE 7 ccbgssse019-staffofsheogorath.esl
254 FE 8 ccbgssse020-graycowl.esl
254 FE 9 ccbgssse021-lordsmail.esl
254 FE a ccmtysse001-knightsofthenine.esl
254 FE b ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl
5 5 cctwbsse001-puzzledungeon.esm
6 6 cceejsse001-hstead.esm
254 FE c ccqdrsse002-firewood.esl
254 FE d ccbgssse018-shadowrend.esl
254 FE e ccbgssse035-petnhound.esl
254 FE f ccfsvsse001-backpacks.esl
254 FE 10 cceejsse002-tower.esl
254 FE 11 ccedhsse001-norjewel.esl
254 FE 12 ccvsvsse002-pets.esl
254 FE 13 ccbgssse037-curios.esl
254 FE 14 ccbgssse034-mntuni.esl
254 FE 15 ccbgssse045-hasedoki.esl
254 FE 16 ccbgssse008-wraithguard.esl
254 FE 17 ccbgssse036-petbwolf.esl
254 FE 18 ccffbsse001-imperialdragon.esl
254 FE 19 ccmtysse002-ve.esl
254 FE 1a ccbgssse043-crosselv.esl
254 FE 1b ccvsvsse001-winter.esl
254 FE 1c cceejsse003-hollow.esl
7 7 ccbgssse016-umbra.esm
8 8 ccbgssse031-advcyrus.esm
254 FE 1d ccbgssse040-advobgobs.esl
254 FE 1e ccbgssse058-ba_steel.esl
254 FE 1f ccpewsse002-armsofchaos.esl
254 FE 20 ccbgssse041-netchleather.esl
254 FE 21 ccedhsse002-splkntset.esl
254 FE 22 ccbgssse064-ba_elven.esl
254 FE 23 ccbgssse063-ba_ebony.esl
254 FE 24 ccbgssse062-ba_dwarvenmail.esl
254 FE 25 ccbgssse060-ba_dragonscale.esl
254 FE 26 ccbgssse051-ba_daedricmail.esl
254 FE 27 ccbgssse057-ba_stalhrim.esl
9 9 ccbgssse025-advdsgs.esm
254 FE 28 ccffbsse002-crossbowpack.esl
254 FE 29 ccbgssse013-dawnfang.esl
254 FE 2a cceejsse004-hall.esl
10 a RSkyrimChildren.esm
11 b Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
254 FE 2b Landscape and Water Fixes.esp
12 c MajesticMountains_Landscape.esm
13 d Lanterns Of Skyrim II.esm
14 e LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm
15 f BetterDynamicAsh-DisableRefs.esm
254 FE 2c CC'sEnhancedOreVeinsSSE-HearthfirePatch.esl
254 FE 2d Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl
16 10 Fertility Mode.esm
17 11 3DNPC.esp
254 FE 2e MajesticMountains_Moss.esp
18 12 FlowerGirls SE.esm
19 13 OSA.esm
254 FE 2f RealisticWaterTwo - Resources.esm
20 14 Vigilant.esm
21 15 FM - UCM Interior.esm
254 FE 30 iWant Widgets.esl
22 16 SkyUI_SE.esp
23 17 TerrainLodRedone.esp
24 18 Immersive Wenches.esp
25 19 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
26 1a DeadlySpellImpacts.esp
27 1b Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
28 1c dD - Enhanced Blood Main LITE.esp
29 1d SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp
30 1e EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
31 1f ELFX - Exteriors.esp
32 20 S3DLandscapes NextGenerationForests.esp
33 21 Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp
34 22 Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp
35 23 Book Covers Skyrim.esp
36 24 Cutting Room Floor.esp
37 25 Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
38 26 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
39 27 EmbersHD.esp
254 FE 31 OStim.esp
40 28 ORomance.esp
41 29 RSChildren.esp
254 FE 32 Qw_WACCF_RSChildren Patch.esp
254 FE 33 DBM_RSChildren_Patch.esp
254 FE 34 DBM_SMIM_Patch.esp
254 FE 35 OProstitution.esp
254 FE 36 ODefeat.esp
42 2a Nini Stuff 3.0.esp
43 2b H2135FantasySeries7.esp
44 2c DM BDOR Summer Box.esp
45 2d icepenguinworldmapclassic.esp
46 2e AMatterOfTime.esp
47 2f UIExtensions.esp
48 30 AddItemMenuSE.esp
49 31 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
254 FE 37 YOT - Your Own Thoughts.esp
50 32 Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp
51 33 Aspens Ablaze.esp
52 34 S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp
53 35 Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul.esp
54 36 Weighted - ALL.esp
55 37 GQJ_DG_vampireamuletfix.esp
56 38 Distinct Interiors.esp
57 39 JKs Skyrim.esp
58 3a T'Skyrim Whiterun - JK's Patch.esp
59 3b ImprovedRoads.esp
254 FE 38 DBM_ISC_Patch.esp
254 FE 39 Qw_ISC_CRF Patch.esp
60 3c Weighted - BCS Patch.esp
61 3d Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp
62 3e SoundsofSkyrimComplete.esp
254 FE 3a SFCO - LotD Patch.esp
63 3f Blues Skyrim.esp
64 40 JKs Skyrim_Dawn of Skyrim_Patch.esp
65 41 T'Skyrim Whiterun.esp
66 42 Obsidian Mountain Fogs.esp
67 43 Book of UUNP Iron And Steel.esp
68 44 Osare Underwear.esp
69 45 fox28 Armor.esp
70 46 Helgen Reborn.esp
254 FE 3b LoS II - JKs Skyrim patch.esp
71 47 Water for ENB (Shades of Skyrim).esp
72 48 NAT.esp
254 FE 3c SunDaytimeNorth_MM_default.esp
73 49 Ashbound.esp
74 4a Windhelm Exterior Altered.esp
75 4b Immersive Encounters.esp
76 4c SeranaDialogAddon.esp
254 FE 3d SoS_ELFX_Patch.esp
77 4d T'Skyrim Riverwood with Leaf Rest.esp
78 4e SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp
79 4f Mortal Enemies.esp
254 FE 3e DBM_SkyTEST_Patch.esp
254 FE 3f Vigilant Voiced.esp
80 50 Fort(ified) Dawnguard.esp
81 51 Blowing in the Wind.esp
82 52 Blowing in the Wind - ELFX Exteriors Patch.esp
83 53 HearthfireMultiKid.esp
84 54 RomanceOfNPCs.esp
85 55 Weighted - Optional IA Patch.esp
254 FE 40 JK's Dragonsreach.esp
86 56 Populated Cities Towns Villages Legendary.esp
254 FE 41 Qw_BookCoversSkyrim_CRF Patch.esp
87 57 Blowing in the Wind - JK's Skyrim Patch.esp
88 58 Blowing in the Wind - Dawn of Skyrim (Director's Cut) Patch.esp
89 59 Morning Fogs SSE.esp
90 5a Skyrim Better Roads and Bridges - All In One - Merged.esp
91 5b Run For Your Lives.esp
92 5c Cloaks.esp
93 5d fallentreebridgesSSE.esp
254 FE 42 DBM_HelgenReborn_Patch.esp
94 5e LoS II - Lantern Workers.esp
95 5f UniqueBorderGates-All.esp
254 FE 43 JKs Skyrim Leafrest Patch.esp
96 60 SkyfallEstate.esp
254 FE 44 Qw_3DNPC_USSEP Patch.esp
97 61 SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp
98 62 FM - UCM Merchants.esp
99 63 FM - UCM Xterior.esp
100 64 Immersive Patrols II.esp
254 FE 45 LoS II - ELFX patch.esp
254 FE 46 DBM_Vigilant_Patch.esp
101 65 Immersive Weapons.esp
254 FE 47 DBM_IW_Patch.esp
102 66 SkyrimIsWindy.esp
254 FE 48 LoS II - CRF patch.esp
103 67 LIAT - NPCs.esp
254 FE 49 DBM_ELFXExteriors_Patch.esp
254 FE 4a Fertility Mode 3 Fixes and Updates.esp
104 68 Fertility Adventures.esp
105 69 Lush Falkreath.esp
254 FE 4b DBM_ELFX_Patch.esp
106 6a JS Armored Circlets SE.esp
107 6b Ars Metallica.esp
254 FE 4c Qw_ArsMetallica_SMIM_MergedAll Patch.esp
254 FE 4d DBM_ArsMetallica_Patch.esp
254 FE 4e VisualAnimatedEnchants.esp
254 FE 4f SFCO - CRF Patch.esp
254 FE 50 MajesticMountains.esp
108 6c Better Dynamic Ash.esp
109 6d Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
254 FE 51 DBM_CRF_Patch.esp
254 FE 52 Qw_WACCF_CRF Patch.esp
110 6e Weighted - CRF Patch.esp
111 6f Phenderix Magic World.esp
112 70 SkyrimReputation_SSE.esp
254 FE 53 SFCO - ELFX Patch.esp
113 71 ForgottenCity.esp
114 72 Northern Marsh Bridges SE.esp
254 FE 54 DBM_CloaksofSkyrim_Patch.esp
254 FE 55 Qw_CloaksOfSkyrim_CRF Patch.esp
254 FE 56 Qw_WACCF_CloaksOfSkyrim Patch.esp
254 FE 57 DBM_ForgottenCity_Patch.esp
254 FE 58 DBM_IA_Patch.esp
254 FE 59 DBM_WACCF_Patch.esp
254 FE 5a Qw_WACCF_ISC Patch.esp
115 73 Weighted - IS Patch.esp
116 74 RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp
254 FE 5b Qw_RusticSoulgemsSorted_ISC Patch.esp
254 FE 5c SFCO - 3DNPC Patch.esp
254 FE 5d DBM_JKDragonsreach_Patch.esp
254 FE 5e Qw_S3DTrees_CRF Patch.esp
254 FE 5f No Snow Under The Roof - CRF Patch.esp
254 FE 60 DBM_S3DTrees_Patch.esp
254 FE 61 LoS II - 3DNPC addon.esp
117 75 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
118 76 HoldBorderBanners.esp
119 77 Landscape For Grass mods - Helgen Reborn Patch.esp
T'Skyrim Riverwood - M'rissi Patch.esp
120 78 Map Markers Complete.esp
254 FE 62 Qw_S3DLandscapes_CRF Patch.esp
121 79 Blowing in the Wind - Helgen Reborn Patch.esp
Blowing in the Wind - SMIM Merged All Patch.esp
254 FE 63 LoS II - SMIM patch.esp
254 FE 64 LoS II - Northern Marsh Bridges patch.esp
122 7a My Home Is Your Home.esp
123 7b Arlene.esp
124 7c BlendedRoads.esp
254 FE 65 [COCO]Lingerie.esp
125 7d Calista.esp
126 7e Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp
254 FE 66 LoS II - LotD patch.esp
127 7f LeftHandRings-1stPersonView.esp
128 80 Skyrim Sizes.esp
129 81 ClumsinessMod.esp
130 82 [COCO]CheongSan_full.esp
131 83 [COCO][GFB]ms_shirt.esp
133 85 DaedricDawnbreakerLowStaggerInfCharges.esp
254 FE 67 FM+ Dinya Balu has a kid - JKs Temple of Mara version.esp
254 FE 68 Qw_DeadlySpellImpacts_ISC Patch.esp
254 FE 69 SPTDiverseGuardsSkyrimSE.esp
134 86 Skyrim+ALLDLC(Cheat).esp
135 87 DiverseDragonsCollectionSE.esp
136 88 VanderolTattoos.esp
254 FE 6a ExcitableSubsOStim.esp
137 89 Eyes of Aber.esp
254 FE 6b FM+ Falk gets Bryling pregnant.esp
138 8a FNIS.esp
139 8b FNISSexyMove.esp
140 8c BVFE.esp
141 8d Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat.esp
142 8e Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp
143 8f FasterSkillLeveling2017.esp
Fertility Mode - Flower Girls.esp
Fertility Mode - RSChildren.esp
254 FE 6c FleshFX.esp
144 90 Flower Girls NPC Overhaul.esp
145 91 FlowerGirls SE - IW Patch.esp
146 92 Fluffy Snow - BlendedRoads Patch.esp
147 93 Footprints.esp
254 FE 6d GDOS - Glorious Solitude Door - Rotation Fix.esp
254 FE 6e GDOS - Splendid Mechanized Dwemer Door.esp
148 94 Gretta.esp
149 95 HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp
254 FE 6f HPP - Vaermina's Torpor.esp
254 FE 70 HQ Tintmasks for Immersive Wenches.esp
150 96 lm_astronach.esp
151 97 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp
152 98 KS Hairdo's.esp
153 99 Immersive Wenches -KS hairs- Patch.esp
254 FE 71 Immersive Encounters - RS Children Patch.esp
254 FE 72 3DNPC0.esp
254 FE 73 3DNPC Visual Overhaul.esp
254 FE 74 KSHairForDawnOfSkyrim.esp
254 FE 75 LoS II - HelgenReborn patch.esp
254 FE 76 LoS II - Sounds of Skyrim patch.esp
154 9a mintylightningmod.esp
155 9b Marsha - Follower.esp
254 FE 77 NARC SE for SkyTEST.esp
254 FE 78 NARC SE patch - Forgotten City.esp
254 FE 79 NARC SE patch - SIC.esp
254 FE 7a OAlign.esp
254 FE 7b OAroused.esp
156 9c OCum.esp
254 FE 7c OVirginity.esp
254 FE 7d ONights.esp
157 9d OPrivacy.esp
254 FE 7e OSearch.esp
254 FE 7f OStrap.esp
254 FE 80 WD03OTrainers.esp
158 9e Ovoice.esp
159 9f PAN_NPCs.esp
254 FE 81 Qw_PANNPCs_CRF Patch.esp
160 a0 InigoPerkPointGiver.esp
254 FE 82 RSC CRF Patch.esp
254 FE 83 RSC Forgotten City Patch.esp
254 FE 84 RSC 3DNPC Patch.esp
254 FE 85 RSC HR Patch.esp
161 a1 RaceMenuHH.esp
162 a2 RaceMenu.esp
163 a3 RaceMenuPlugin.esp
164 a4 KrittaKittyHorsesForSSE.esp
254 FE 86 SDA-AA Patch.esp
165 a5 SexyMannequinsFemale_SSE.esp
166 a6 SexyMannequinsFemaleHF_SSE.esp
167 a7 Simply More Runes - Unlimited Runes.esp
254 FE 87 Landscape and Water Fixes - Patch - ELFX.esp
254 FE 88 Smoking Torches And Candles.esp
254 FE 89 SoS_NAT_Patch.esp
168 a8 SparklesSE.esp
254 FE 8a SFCO - Helgen Reborn Patch.esp
254 FE 8b SFCO - Multiple Adoptions Patch.esp
169 a9 Book of UUNP - Textures.esp
170 aa UltimateCombat.esp
254 FE 8c BHUNP3BBB.esp
171 ab RaceMenuMorphsBHUNP.esp
172 ac Valentina.esp
173 ad Veydosebrom Regions.esp
174 ae WardsFunctionalitiesExtended.esp
175 af Chesko_WearableLantern.esp
176 b0 TorchesCastShadows.esp
177 b1 TorchesCastShadows_WLPatch.esp
178 b2 WetandCold.esp
179 b3 WondersofWeather.esp
180 b4 SOSRaceMenu.esp
181 b5 XPMSE.esp
254 FE 8d YOT - Andromeda.esp
254 FE 8e YOT - Bone Wolf.esp
254 FE 8f YOT - Camping.esp
254 FE 90 YOT - Civil War Champions.esp
254 FE 91 YOT - Cutting Room Floor.esp
254 FE 92 YOT - Dawnfang and Duskfang.esp
254 FE 93 YOT - Forgotten Seasons.esp
254 FE 94 YOT - Helgen Reborn.esp
254 FE 95 YOT - Hendhraheim.esp
254 FE 96 YOT - Immersive Sounds.esp
254 FE 97 YOT - Interesting NPCs.esp
254 FE 98 YOT - LOTD5.esp
254 FE 99 YOT - Myrwatch.esp
254 FE 9a YOT - Nix Hound.esp
254 FE 9b YOT - Pets of Skyrim.esp
254 FE 9c YOT - Saints & Seducers.esp
254 FE 9d YOT - Shadowfoot.esp
254 FE 9e YOT - Shadowrend.esp
254 FE 9f YOT - Survival Mode.esp
254 FE a0 YOT - Tundra Homestead.esp
254 FE a1 YOT - Umbra.esp
254 FE a2 YOT - Vigil Enforcer Armor Set.esp
254 FE a3 YOT - Vigilant.esp
254 FE a4 YOT - Wearable Lanterns.esp
254 FE a5 YOT - Wet and Cold.esp
254 FE a6 YOT - Wild Horses.esp
254 FE a7 YOT - Wraithguard.esp
182 b6 dovahkiinrelax.esp
254 FE a8 oComfort.esp
254 FE a9 QRVAE_AlternateDawnbreaker.esp
254 FE aa QRVAE_ISC Patch.esp
183 b7 LeftHandRings.esp
184 b8 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
185 b9 Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp
186 ba Weighted - Optional APM Patch.esp
187 bb Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp
188 bc Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
189 bd Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
190 be Castle Volkihar Rebuilt.esp
191 bf CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp
254 FE ab Landscape For Grass Mods JK'S Skyrim.esp
192 c0 Bijin_AIO-SV 2018.esp
193 c1 Bijin NPCs.esp
194 c2 Bijin Warmaidens.esp
195 c3 Bijin Wives.esp
196 c4 Serana.esp
197 c5 Valerica.esp
254 FE ac YOT - Apocalypse.esp
254 FE ad YOT - Ordinator.esp
254 FE ae SFCO - Immersive College of Winterhold Patch.esp
254 FE af SoS_ImmersiveCitizens_Patch.esp
254 FE b0 CWICRFSEPatch.esp
254 FE b1 CWIOrdinatorPatchSSE.esp
254 FE b2 DBM_ImmersiveCollegeofWinterhold_Patch.esp
254 FE b3 Qw_PANNPCs_ICoWinterhold Patch.esp
254 FE b4 YOT - CoWI.esp
254 FE b5 SFCO - Immersive Citizens Patch.esp
Immersive Citizens - ELFXEnhancer patch.esp
198 c6 Landscape For Grass Mods -Immersive Citizens PATCH.esp
199 c7 RDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.esp
200 c8 RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp
201 c9 RDO - USSEP Patch.esp
254 FE b6 SDA RDO Patch.esp
254 FE b7 SFCO - Castle Volkihar Rebuilt Patch.esp
202 ca Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
254 FE b8 SFCO - Alternate Start Patch.esp
203 cb RealisticWaterTwo.esp
254 FE b9 JKs Skyrim_RWT_Patch.esp
204 cc JoP - The Book of UUNP Patch.esp
205 cd WACCF_BashedPatchLvlListFix.esp


Edited by resetwithlove
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