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Rukia's sword - "Sode no Shirayuki" (Bleach)


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Hello dear Nexus members,


as you probably see I'm new here.


I searched for the mod, but didn't find what i was looking for. I'm looked into a few videos for the creation kid and knew it wasn't something for me.


I can't photoshop and surely not good with the 3d part.


That's why I my last chance is making a request and hoping someone has the time and feels like making a sword.


There are a few Swords from Bleach, but I never found Rukia's "Sode no Shirayuki"


Here are some pictures as to how it looks like:













The only thing I found seemed to be for Morrowind....




I'm always happy to get some reply's and hope i didn't make any mistakes.



I would like to express my heartfelt thanks in advance for your hard work.

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It would also be nice to see Hakuren and Tsukishiro implemented as well. Voicing to accompany the moves would be nice, but of course, it'd only be friendly towards female characters that way.

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I have seen swords of Similar make to this blade, so I think a modder definitly could make the sword; though the ribbon might be the only issue. Hopefully a modder finds away to recreate this elegant weapon for Skyrim.

why not just ask the maker for the cloak physics for permission on the...well, physics!

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So anyone who can possibly do that, or is this topic gonna vanish?


I'm not supposed to push any topics, but I don't wish for my request to be forgotten.


And I don't know if I can just ask the person about the cape physics, without there being anyone who can make the weapon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wish someone would just make a ton more Bleach swords. I would love to see some that actually worked too. I assume you want to make Rukia's sword to freeze people? I want Kurotsuchi's blade to inflict a poison that disables the enemy. Yamamoto's sword could throw fire. Soi Fong's dagger could kill in two strikes, and leave her emblem on an enemy who has been struck once. Kira's blade would slow enemies. Aizen's would make enemies attack each other (that would be a really simple one, since there is already an enchantment for that). So many possibilities...

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