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Megaton gate is glitched for me. When inside the city I can just walk right through it as if I were using TCL. When outside of the city the gate takes me inside Moriartys saloon. I have to fast travel to get out of the city. And no the door leading out of Moriartys doesn't take me outside Megaton. I've always ready tried a clean install. the saved game is completely corrupt but my only other option is starting completely over.


Fixed it

Edited by Khailik
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I've seen issues with the Megaton gate before when the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch is installed, do you have that mod? If not, what is your mod list? If you have no mods loaded at all, then you just might have a corrupt game and need to start fresh. Two things you can try first in that case would be:


1) waiting for 3+ days inside some interior cell.

2) killing yourself and letting the game reload after your death.


Best of luck.

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I meant to update this earlier but forgot. I just did a clean install and started over. I only recently picked the game back up so I wasn't too far in anyways.

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