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Fallout: Invasion


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So, do you like those cheesy 50's alien invasion movies or do you prefer Independence Day? Like Fallout and wish you saw more of the Alien's in Mothership Zeta? Well congratulations, Fallout: Invasion is the RP for you. For a long while I have thought about making an Alien invasion mod for Fallout but I am not really that good at modding, but the story is sound enough to bring to the RP forums, now I don't expect a lot of attention on this but I figured I would offer anyway.


Here is the setting,


2278, two years after the fall of the Enclave and the Liberation of the Capital Wasteland. Lyon's Pride Chapter and the Outcasts still war and the Raiders roam the wilds of the Capital Wasteland while Super Mutants and Enclave Exiles raid and pillage at will. But that is not the real threat, three months ago a large Alien space-craft appeared above The Citadel and small alien creatures attacked, they drove the Brotherhood out of their home and into the wasteland. They found Megaton, the natural fortress like city was a boon to their plight and Mayor Lucas allowed them in so long as they protected the city from the Alien threat, using Moriarty's as a recruitment center they began recruiting wastelander's of every profession. Galaxy News Radio's DJ Three-Dog has taken up with them, broadcasting this message across the wastes and feeding news to the people.



"This is Elder Lyons of the Brotherhood Chapter Lyon's Pride. To all willing and able wastelanders, report to Megaton for enlistment into the Resistance. We must liberate ourselves from this alien threat."


Everything east of the Potomac is owned by the Aliens and everyday they move further into the Free Wasteland. Will you join the cause? Will you fight to free humanity or will you stand back and watch it be torn apart by an alien menace...


Character Sheet:








Armor: (feel free to use mod armors, just provide picture and link)


Weapon(s): (same as armor)






This RP is meant to be a Guerilla warfare and character-driven RP. So party conflict is somewhat encouraged but within reason. The rules are as follows.


No Godmodding... example: Joe Average shoots thirty aliens with his 9mm.


Feel free to pursue your own stories, I am a sucker for good stories so I recommend you read others posts before posting just to keep from having conflict.


Try to avoid Player-Killing, I understand if the Enclave Exile and the Brotherhood guy don't get along but don't start blasting, the Aliens are meant to be a threat to all, so even foes must band together to defeat it. You can still not like each other but if your going to compare which is better, Laser or Plasma? Don't do it on each other.


Try to allow others to post, I understand you sometimes get on a roll with someone and you want to continue but wait for others to post, no one likes to be left way behind. Not everyone can make it on regularly.


Last but not least, Have Fun. Remember, this is supposed to be fun and wacky. When you blow an alien away with your favorite Plasma Rifle try and describe what his skeleton would look like or have your character react to having bits of alien on him but keep it within reason, try to be... realistically wacky.

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