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Maybe it's time for a CEP?


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I've been looking mods up here for a long time, testing them out, seeing which ones are good, and then I thought, why hasn't the Nexus made a CEP yet?

For all of you who are syrup-minded, a CEP is a Community Expansion Pack.

I think it would be great if we could get together, and make just one massive download of all the good mods that are on here! Tell me what you think, and please consider these things! My Ideas come from dark cellars, where they have been beaten and abused! Please adopt one now!

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True, it's human nature, but they did one with Neverwinter Nights, on the NWN Vault, and it turned out really good. I was hoping something like that would be do-able..
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Perhaps, but the real problem is that this community is... for the lack of a better term - fractured.


OB modders are known around the different modding communities for their inclination towards the dramatic.


Just look at the read-me's. Don't do this, don't do that don't sell(like LOL!), don't edit, don't reupload, don't redistribute, don't reuse, ask for permissions blah blah blah. Reminds me of deviantArt. Everyone wants to be special and original and grand and all that jazz. So they simply don't share because they're afraid that two mods could perhaps contain the same mesh. The "elite" keeps to themselves, the new guys reuse the very few and rare resources available to death and...


I'll just stop here.

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*sigh* Damn copyright laws.. Wish we'd go back to the code of Hammurabi for a change.

"You take my bread?!? I'll cut off your f***ing fingers!!"

No, it's more about trying to discourage people from taking your work and claiming it as their own without spending any of the time or effort on it. While yes, some of this is ego, it is also practical since the product of those efforts could be incomplete or altered by this second party, and cause more problems. There are works out there which can be used as resources provided that credit is given. You just have to know where to look, and be able to make use of those resources.


Something like a CEP just isn't practical for Oblivion since there is no one, single community, or even one, single, major community. You also have significant differences in tastes and interests between people... We don't have 6 different female body mods because people ran out of things to make, we have so many different female body mods because a consensus was never really reached, and there were people who wanted playing material, while others wanted fapping material. A similar thing exists with regard to mods that deal with leveled lists, combat changes, spell systems, and dozens of other things. Meanwhile the list of resources which actually add something other that a weapon, armor, or bit of retextured clutter tends to be few and far between. What is wanted by some is not wanted by others.


As mentioned, COBL is about as close to a CEP as we're going to get atleast on the resources aspect. If you're looking for new adventures, or areas, you might want to look at Silgrad, Vardenfall, or one of the other large, semi-complete, mods out there.

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