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Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley and SMAPI Content Patcher mods roadblock for Nintendo Switch


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So I've seen the mods and they're usually just xnb mods (pre-SMAPI mods). I was checking if there was a way to use content patcher mods and I think I've found a way but there's a problem.


1. Install SMAPI content patcher mods on PC version (theoretically should work on all non DLL mods)
2. Run SMAPI on PC
3. Create script that lists files that use target: from content.json (Done)
4. Run patch export on each target file via SMAPI console
5. Create script that moves and renames and moves files to the correct folders (e.g. Characters_Abigail.png to Characters\Abigail.png)
6. Repack files
7. Copy files to corresponding Atmosphere content folder

The problem is that SMAPI will only export files that have been loaded by the game. Does anyone know how to make SMAPI or the game load all files so that we can export each file?

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