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Finding an ENB bottleneck?


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So I am running skyrim modded with lots of Hi Rez textures and scripts. I can run the game with 16xxQ CSAA @ 1080p with everything else cranked with 60fps butter smooth. I get slight dips in open areas but always 50+ FPS. If I run ENB I can barely get over 20fps and sometimes drop to slide show rates! I want to max out skyrim with ENB. I'm looking to figure out where the deficiency is in my system. Can anyone offer some advice on how I can determin where my system is being taxed to its limits?




Intel I5 3570k @ 4.2 Ghz

8GB of DDR3 1600 Mushkin Blackline 7 cas

(2x) HD6970's

Skyrim and OS are running on SSD's


I have multi-threading enabled in my ini


any further info you might need, let me know.



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Really depends on which features you have enabled. If you have all the quality settings at 0 with SSAO enabled, ANYONE will get super low framerates.


I only use ENB for it's Bloom 'n' colouring features. Yields me a rock-solid 40-50fps (I cap at 40 to get rid of any and all jitters) with my 7850, which is just a tad better than a single 6950.

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