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What's the protocol on publishing NMM Installers of other people&#


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I've found it convenient to repack certain mods so as to make installation easier for myself. I thought that these fomods might be useful to other people. I would like to put a page up on the Nexus and upload these NMM installers there. This is mainly so that the packages can be assigned to the correct categories and have version numbers within NMM and users can be notified of any updates. As an example, I created a fomod for http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/38889//? and posted a link within the comments section with the suggestion that the mod author integrate it into his files page, but it's just kind of lingered there. Granted, mod authors don't have to use my fomods, but I'd like to put them somewhere a little more visible. I would, of course, maintain the original author's name and version number.


So, what's the word? Is it allowed? Is it welcome?


EDIT: forum screwed up my topic title - too long, perhaps.

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