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Stardew Valley

Can load my save in the new 1.5.5


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A start playing SV in 1.5.4 and worked great with smapi and mods and now with the new update I have problem to load my save. I already update smapi and some mods I was able to find update.

However when a try to load my save the game freeze and the music continue to play. This happens twice: first when click in load and second when I choose the file (I only have that save file). Some sec later the game just restard if I just click to open him.
I know that now we have so much imcompatibility with mods but I'm new to this world of modding so I can assume I mess up too. Just wanna know if I can save the file or just start a new one because if a try new game the game start without problem.

Theres my smapi log:https://smapi.io/log/8ed6e451845e49c4badfe32411a34c81





PS: I hope you can understand my writting. English is not my mother tong. :laugh:

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