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Using NMM to manage CookedPC mods

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*I'm not sure who will use this, but it has me*


1) Let NMM scan for TW2.


2) Open NMM in TW2 mode.


3) Hit settings (gears), click "The Witcher 2", then redirect "The Witcher 2 Mods Directory" to "the witcher 2" folder (containing "CookedPC").


4) Close NMM (actually close, not "Change Game Mode"), then re-open it. You can verify it worked by clicking "Open folders", "Open Game Folder" - "the wicther 2" folder should open.


4) Whenever you need to install something in "CookedPC" folder:

i) Make a CookedPC folder (somewhere other than "the witcher 2" directory) and place the files in there

ii) Add the CookedPC folder to and archive (I use 7zip).

iii) Go into NMM and "Add Mod from File" and open archive you just made.

[iv) If you want, you can rename to the beginning of the title of the mod, then use the "Gets Missing Info" button to select the mod on the nexus, and have update notifications]


I decided to do this because of how easy CDProjektRed have made installing REDKit mods, and how easy it is to lose track of what is going on inside the CookedPC folder.

Edited by xarjunsobnackx
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  • 1 month later...
I tried that, but it didn't work I will try it again when I get done re-downloading and installing witcher2 twice now takes about 12 hours @ 15.2 Gb 196kbs per second lol. perhaps I did something wrong I will re read these instructions and try it again maybe the third time will be the charm....
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  • 2 months later...

I had to re-do step 3) and 4) twice before it took effect.

Has this caused your game to break (I noticed you're re-downloading the game)? It worked for myself but I'm not sure how it would play out on other computer.

I originally bought my game on Steam, but redeemed a copy from GOG.com, because it downloads an installer (which I keep on my hard-drive) - just a tip if the problem persists.

Edited by xarjunsobnackx
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  • 6 months later...

I would really like to do this but NMM won't let me change the mods directory to CookedPC, as soon as I click okay and the window closes, the folder reverts back to UserContent. Have tried changing it a million times and still always reverts to UserContent folder whether I restart or not.

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