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Google eye fix


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Okay, first off, thanks SO much to SavageArtistry for giving me the heads up on what was going on.


Installing custom eye/race mods can be troublesome, especially when the eye textures call for paths to meshes that don't exist, or have been changed.


The effect, ( google eye ) shows up as the iris of the characters in question being oddly off-kilter, kinda like that wierd kid from third period who rolls his eyelids back, then rolls his eyes up till you can almost only see the whites, then jiggles his eyeballs.


Everybody might like the class clown, but in-game it's annoying.


SavageArtistry replied to my post on the problem, and showed me the difference between vanilla textures, and say textures that come in rens eyes ( Nequam ) . It is this difference that causes the effect, and most often affects non-vanilla races, or vanilla-type npc's put in with mods after eye changes have been made to your game.


For vanilla races, put in with mods, ( say moddems city life, or montana's sexy companion ) altering the mods' load order in mod manager, above or below beauty-packs, elaborate eyes, or what-have-you should do the trick.


For custom races, that won't respond to such cajoling; there is another, easy work around. (( THANK you again Savage Artistry for telling me this could be done!))


Simple steps :


1. Open the TES construction kit. Click the "File" tab, and choose "data".. up pops a window with oblivion's main files, and ALL the mods you have in your data folder...checkbox the mod that holds the custom race you are having issues with, click the "make active" button, and tell tesc 'okay' ..it will take a moment, let it load.


2. Once finished loading, again, along the top-tabs, this time choose character, out of this drop-down menu, choose "race" up pops a list of all the races you have loaded in the game, click on the one you are having issues with. The tabs now to the right will read "General Data" ( this is the one that is active at this time, then "body data', then 'face data', then "facegen data' etc. etc. Choose "Face Data"


The list of boxes here in face data shows the places oblivion is looking to for the meshes for each bodypart. You will notice the bottom of the selections are for eyes, right and left...click one, this will open your meshes folder. ( at this point it wants to be pointed at a valid mesh for the eye textures! ) so, in this window, find and open "characters".


within characters will be a file ( for me, using rens' beauty pack, it is a file called "Nequam", then inside it, a file folder called 'eyes' ) in that folder, ( or whatever eye mesh folder you use ) is a "right eye" and a "left eye" file. click the eye file, and it sets the path for that character's eye textures to look at ( no pun intended ) that folder, and that mesh...


Presto, after a few times, NO more difficult than changing the wallpaper on your desktop!


~Thank you SO very much to the modding community in general ( you folks here who have guided me step-by-step ) as well, thank you to those who have made these incredible textures, and worked for hours upon hours on mod files for no other concideration than a pat on the back now and again from us. Top shelf, every one of ya.



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  • 1 year later...
I wanted to say thank you. i tried everything to get the eyes not to mess up for my guy. i wanted to be a vampire this time but i could not stand the messed up eyes. Because of this thread i got it fixed and i got to keep the eyes i had! thank you so so so so so very much! I fixed my eyes and learned how to do things in the construction set at the same time!!! thank you..
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