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Hilltop farm ruins


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You know it just pissed me of that the first time i found the place and had my hopes high for a new adventure they were just broken!...


So i've been having some thoughts about it and wether or not it would be possible (that i think it is), to make a little longer story for it were some breadcrumbs were spread out that lead to a location where that storyline could completely explode, if a modder sees this and gets interested just write me if it hasn't been suggested already and a story is in progress.


(I don't want to tell too much about it because it would be spoiling if it caught the attention of someone wanting to do it, I can't say if it will be too hard work since i don't know how to mod myself, but i don't think it is too hard a mod since it is only a few audioworks on holotapes, maybe three or four scattered around a little, around five terminals ith some short notes and a small base for them to be stored in ).

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