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Weapon Script trpubble.


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Here is the script i have so far,

Set to the weapon itself and NOT as an enchantment.


(Names have been changed)


Begin onhitwith dagger || shortsword ||longsword || claymore


if GetIsPlayableRace== 1.00 && getdead == 1.00 

Message "To avoid spoiling things i have removed this message"
player.additem Item 1

elseif GetIsPlayableRace== 0.00 && getdead == 1.00 

Message "To avoid spoiling things i have removed this message"

Elseif getdead < 1.00 



I think i know what is going wrong with this,

I believe its trying to grab the needed information from the blade, and not the person being hit,


It works as an enchantment, That's what has led me to believe this.

We have, other plans for the enchantment slots.


How can I set the ref to the person being hit? without having thousands of lines of script for every NPC in the game?





Seems i cannot fix that typo in the thread title....


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I'm not sure, not much of a scripter myself, but I've got a sneaky feeling that this:


if GetIsPlayableRace== 1.00 && getdead == 1.00


should be this:

if (GetIsPlayableRace==1.00) && (getdead==1.00)


and I'm suspicious of some other lines as well, but as I've mentioned - I'm not that much of a scripter =\.

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I'm slowly starting to see the problem. I think.


First of all both getdead and OnhitWith need an actor reference. Like: Player.OnHitWith or Player.GetDead. No refference = the function won't return anything.


You probably want a script that tells you if you managed to hit someone and if he's dead. I think that there's no direct support for that in vanilla. You have to use OBSE to check for who's at the crosshair when you attack. And use the getdead function together with the refference that function would return.


I'm almost certain that you'll have to wait a frame to check for that as well. But don't take my word on that.

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i think you have to get the reference of what your hitting i think. Im not sure about that, i have not had to look into anything that requires this. your code could be neater and less likely to be buggy if you nested it instead of ands.


			   if (getdead < 1)   ; not sure the point of this but okay
					 return		; assuming you want to terminate this script if actor is dead.
				if (GetIsPlayableRace== 1.00) 

				   Message "To avoid spoiling things i have removed this message"
					player.additem Item 1
					Message "To avoid spoiling things i have removed this message"


I read that this is a better and safer way to script in oblivion. It is also easier to read :)

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it's GetCrosshairRef. I'm not sure about how to check if the player started an attack though. You could probably use this approach to add effects to unarmed as well... hmm....


The easy way to script this would be with an script enchantment. Then you'd just have to:


ref target


set target to GetSelf


and then


begin target.OnHitwith SUPERWEAPONOFDOOM

if (player.GetIsPlayableRace) && (target.GetDead)


(By the way, if a function returns 1 when it's true then there's no need to compare it to 1 one more time... I think)


In case you'd use that solution but want to let the player enchant his weapon then you can use the OBSE functions like addenchantment or modenchantment in a OnEquipt block of a weapon script. (And then remove them in a UnEquipt block)

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the beginonhitwith should fix the problem of detecting if the player started the attack, in theory anyway. ill have to test this.


I got an idea from looking at what you just posted for using this as an enchantment script. *steals*

ref target
set target to Getcrosshairref
if (target.yadda yadda)


looking at the description it returns the ref itself.

The ref, unless im wrong, (I probably am) should be pasted in place of "target".


Am i right?

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