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Weapon Script trpubble.


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I would go for the spell effects, personally. I try, atm, to stay away from oBSE, though. Though i understand it gives you more freedom. I was looking for some scripted weapons for you as I was trying to figure out how to make a new vampire, the wabbajack is interesting

If you wanna go this route or go with OBSE

scn WabbajackSpellEffect

ref self
ref horsetest

begin ScriptEffectStart
set horsetest to GetSelf
if DAWabbajack.spellRunning == 0 && ( GetSelf != CreatureMehrunesDagon ) && ( horsetest.IsRidingHorse == 0 ) && ( horsetest.GetDead == 0 )
	if ( IsEssential == 0 ) && ( GetIsCreature == 1 ) && ( GetInFaction NoWabbaFaction == 0 )
;		message "Wabbajack start"
; only one target allowed at a time
		set DAWabbajack.spellRunning to 1
; set target ref so we can put it back if necessary
		set DAWabbajack.target to GetSelf
;		messageBox "DAWabbajack.target: %.0f", DAWabbajack.target
		set self to GetSelf
;		messageBox "GetSelf: %.0f", self
; create replacement creature
		placeAtMe WabbajackList 1


this spell seems to be able to reference its target.

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Although I tend to discourage use of OBSE by those who are learning scripting, I would have to agree with ihateregisteringeverywhere provided I'm right in understanding the conditions which are desired before doing anything;


1. Must be able to detect that the target being hit is already dead.

2. Must be something which can be added to any weapon.


Without OBSE you can't do either of those. Weapon enchantments will not fire if anything other than a living actor is hit.


The second one, adding the enchantment to any weapon might be worked around if it would be alright for the enchantment to be applied using something like a sigil stone.


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..Something tells me I was wrong...

(namely the fact ive been at this all day and come up with no progress)


I may need to rethink things a bit...


Thanks for all the help...but,

I fear Ive let you all down...


(I have a bad habit of trying to do things beyond my abilities)








.....boy do i feel like a jackass......

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