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mod requests


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hi I have two ideas for mods


1.add a conversation option for any dog follower that sends them to your home so how about a mod were if you find a stray dog or buy one from the guy in malkath if you talk to it instead of just being able to tell it to wait in one spot or go back to wherever it is you got it from you should have a third option were you can send it to your house or if you have multiple houses you can choose which house to send it to and it will then wonder the house or property if you have hearthfire installed like housecarls do and you can have them follow you again anytime your at the property


2. I thought I saw a mod for this a few months ago but I can't find it anywere

add the ability to make bowls and bottles and make it so that if you don't have a empty bowl in your inventory then you can't harvest things like spriggan sap or troll fat or any other ingredient that comes in a bowl in skyrim and using the ingrediant gives you back an empty bowl and unless you have an empty bottle in your inventory then you won't be able to harvest frostbite venom or make potions but using frostbite venom or a potion gives you an empty bottle back

Edited by bob11234
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