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When I got to Cloud Ruler Temple for the first time on my char, I went to the library and took all the books that were of some value and later sold them. Well. Later I get a quest where I'm ought to read the book "Modern Heretics", however, that is one of the books I sold. The q now points me to one store in Bruma, maybe I sold it there? But I can't buy it back from there. Doesn't appear in the list...



Is this book somewhere else for me to get as well? Or was Cloud Ruler Temple the only place?


I really hope you could help me...


But if the solution involves cheating, I've a problem - the cheats don't work on my computer. Or well, the key from which that cheat command line (or whatever it's called) should appear, when I push it nothing happens. Just doesn't work.

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The only other place to get that book in the vanilla game is the Mystic Archives in the Arcane University. If you have completed the mages guild quest line, it is available if not...


If I remember, the book gives you the location of Azura's shrine when you need to find an artifact. I don't recommend giving up the artifact you get for completing that quest as it is probably the most useful artifact of the bunch although you might not think so at first. Any artifact of the daedra will do, The one I use for that is usually the artifact I get for completing the Vaermina quest. You must be level 5 for that one, or Sheograth, level 2. At level 8 Sanguine's artifact

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For situations like these, I use the console - this code:

player.additem 00026B1D 1
should do the trick. It just adds a copy of the book to your inventory. If you're playing on the XBox or are extremely opposed to using codes, you either have o complete the Mages Guild questline, gain access to the Arcane University and grab the book from there, or somehow hunt it down.


I haven't played the MQ for quite some time, but I think it is mandatory to read Modern Heretics. I could be wrong here.

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I can't access the console. Not on my computer. So I suppose I'll have to take the saved game to my brother's computer to complete this quest...really don't feel like doing the mage quests again.

Well, thanks for that code. I did not know that one.

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To access the console press the tilde (`) key.


On my keyboard its next to the 1 digit although this could differ on yours...


Hope you complete the quest.

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If your computer is a laptop, the infrared device is probably turned on. If so, disable it.

If you have a media edition. there is an infrared controller hooked up. disconnect it. (pull the plug that connects it to your computer) you can easily plug it back in if you need it.


For some reason I cant fathom, Microsoft disables the scan code for that key when they enable the rarely used infrared port.

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