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[SSE] CTD on completeing Character Animations


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Hello All,


Hoping that somewhat might be able to provide some insight into some crashes that I am seeing with my latest SSE Run (Load Order below). Everything was pretty stable until very recently when I had to downgrade SAE to SSE because Steam came through and did some updates - after reinstalling everything from scratch and getting everything going again, I am experiencing reproduceable crashes whenever my character attempts to complete any animations (for example, when sitting down in a chair, the game crashes just as my character finishing sitting down). However, this extends to things such as attempting to use an crafting benches (Smithy, Forge, Arcane Enchanter, Staff Enchanter) - or attempting to excavate a find with any LoTD finds - but doesn't happen when attacking/moving in either 3rd or 1st Person. I've attempted to remove any recently installed mods (coincidentally aninmation mods) and am still able to reproduce the issue. I have also completely blown away my install once again only to experience the same issues. This CTD doesn't seem to extend to any NPC's, as I can watch them perform above animations without issue - and can also have them use any of the Spell Poses from FNIS.


Using the .NET Framework Logs, I've been able to get Crash Logs that are hopefully related to the issue - but I've not been able to make much out the logs aside from potentially removing "MVF1FollowerBeta.esp" - which is from the Lucifer Follower Mod - which has yielded no change.


Any assistance that anyone could provide would be most appreciated.





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Update: For anyone else who is experiencing this issue or anything similar, I found the problematic plugin. It was an older version of the "SSE Display Tweaks" plugin, which had a bug that was fixed in 0.5.3. Updating to the latest version has fixed this issue!

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