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Is it safe yet .


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It depends on what mods you use. If you need SKSE, it's probably better to not update just yet, unless you can verify that all mods which need SKSE have been updated. I have only 266 mods but I cba to check if all SKSE users are updated. Probably not.


It's also a good idea to keep a backup of your old mods instead of deleting them, because some mod authors like to delete old files every time they release a new version, so that users can't go back if the updated version doesn't work.

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I agree with the general sentiment, if your game is working well, don't update. A great many mods will not work in AE and likely never will, as the authors are long gone. The additional few things added by AE are not worth the hassle IMHO. I did update, accidentally, and now I'm stuck redoing my entire load order (which in my case isn't a bad thing since I really needed to "cull the herd") and it's a big pain in the buttocks.

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Nope. Not yet. I just updated and now all of my 1000 saves are corrupted. Every single one of them. The only thing I can do is start a new game. After doing that already six times, I'm not up to it. Funny thing though, my LE game runs great. Go figure. :down:

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If you have astable game and especially if you're in the middle of a playthrough don't update. Not safe yet, might not ever be for an ongoing playthrough though.

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