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Script help plz


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I have recently been working on a plugin that puts in a new god called Innoruuk (yes I got it off EverQuest). But anyway, I want to make it so that when he cast certain spells, it makes him vernurable to certain types of magic.


Say that when ever he casts a fire spell, then he becomes vernurable to fire attacks and magic, but is invurnerable to Frost and Shock.


Can anyone make me a script that does this? Any help will be greatfully appreciated. And plus when I'm finally done with this, I'm going to open it to the world wide web. I think people will like it 'cause of the random drops the guy has are rather "uber" :)

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You could try assigning a unique magicka loss to each spell, and then detecting when that exact amount of magicka is lost in a single frame.


The payload of the portion of the script that sets up the vulnerabilities would consist of conditionals like this:


Set MagickaLoss to ( MagickaLastFrame - GetCurrentMagicka )

If ( MagickaLoss == 48601 )

 RemoveSpell Fire_Invulnerability
 RemoveSpell Magic_Invulnerability


Set MagickaLastFrame to GetCurrentMagicka


Keep in mind, however, that with this method you would have to protect the actor against drain, damage, and absorb magicka spells.

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Uhh... I think I lost you. You gotta understand first of all, I don't have a clue how the heck to script. I've attempted it before, but no luck, tried making a script that you get damaged if ur not wearin something (ouch_sunder). And the weird part about that was all I did was change the ID of some of the stuff to make it so it would do what I wanted it to do, but for some reason I got a message, forgot what it was, didn't understand it at all.... Scripting is too difficult :(


Anyway, thanks for that little portion, if u would be kind enough would you make a full script of that, that would be helpful. Sorry if I'm burdensome :(

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Uhh? What. Well if I'm getting what I think ur talking about, do you mean what do I want the script to do? Cause if your asking me to present a script, well lol, I can't really help ya there.


What I want the script to do, is say that the guy casts a spell like fire or something. And when he casts that spell, he becomes invurnerable (protected) from fire, but his defenses versus shock and frost and elemental spells like that would decrease. Making it so fire is no longer useful agaisnt him, until he casts a different spell like a ice spell or something, then making him invurnerable to elemental ice spells, leaving him vurnerable to fire, shock, etc.


Hope you got what I meant :\

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