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Lack of monster replacing mod makes me sad


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I really don't like creepy and scary things like draugrs.

I don't even like the looks of bloody bone/corpse decorations found in vampire dungeons.

I have tried to find a draugr replacing mod, but there weren't any.

Even for those who aren't scared of draugrs, slaying same monsters in every dungeon can be boring.

Making various kinds of monsters is an another way to make fun of this game.




The mod I linked above is a dwarven doll companion mod.

I wanted this mod to replace dwarven monsters but sadly, just another companion mod.

It's a great model...just using this for a companion is a waste of work and resource.


I would like to request any monster replacing mods.

Especially draugrs.

And don't you think it would be great if the mod above replaces actual dwarves?

Edited by creamyjae
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