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workshop activate item links and keywords


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couldnt find the answer and i know ive done before but been a while. i was trying to place a workshop assignable barber chair in my mod and as of right now its unmodified copy of vanilla but when i set just linked to workbench ref with keyword "workshop item keyword" and go into game it will let me assign a settler and say its assigned message but the icon when hover over doesnt turn green and they wont go to or use, i looked through the scripts and double checked like 10x it all looks right. before you ask the navmesh is immaculate and the markers all look good. i have the same prob if i try to place surgery center. so the question is what are the link ref and keywords i need and is there a link from or something i need from workbench or something to make it work? i attached pic below showing current settings but like said its vanilla for most part



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have you tried looking at the diamond city barber and surgeon as a reference ?


I did notice this though... also i think you need a blockplayeractivation key word as well.



Edited by greekrage
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Just tried it in a mod im making (external cell).... and got npc to go to it BUT all the npc did was sit down on the seat and then get up and leave...


Gonna try making a npc in the mod and linking it to the chair (dedicated)

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Just tried it in a mod im making (external cell).... and got npc to go to it BUT all the npc did was sit down on the seat and then get up and leave...


Gonna try making a npc in the mod and linking it to the chair (dedicated)

i tried a bunch of combinations even tried linking back from bench with work keywords, my thought was its prob the linked refs or keywords because if i plop it down in build mode in game it works fine

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ok just tried using the WORKSHOP barber chair and link it and it works fine...

You are using the dlc06 version of it in the mod... But in the player workshop you plop down ingame is the default workshop version that works...

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i only have 4 barber items as see in pic below unless there is different name for and the other 3 are just chairs and not assignable unless i redo everything, the pic i have nothing works in pic with just ref to workbench and keyword workshopitemkeyword, only 2 surgery centers as well and only one is assignable, what file name are you using that works because i just tried them all again



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these are both the same but i added the workshopobject script to the one to test and both are linked via workshopitem keyword.

They both work as far as assigning and npc reactions... Dont know if the object script changes something as far as income goes...kifVml.jpg

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not sure why stuff is so temperamental i left the settlement and slept 24 hours and came back and they all work i guess they had worked the whole time but you have to leave and come back, thanks for helping with my imaginary problem, on a side not for anyone else reading with a problem you dont need or want the workshop object script on the item the workshop barber script does the same thing and they both would be sharing some of the same variables and could cause a problem

Edited by bud9961
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not sure why stuff is so temperamental i left the settlement and slept 24 hours and came back and they all work i guess they had worked the whole time but you have to leave and come back, thanks for helping with my imaginary problem, on a side not for anyone else reading with a problem you dont need or want the workshop object script on the item the workshop barber script does the same thing and they both would be sharing some of the same variables and could cause a problem

Thats a given...

Any time you alter stuff that is connected to the workshop always fast travel away and back to test.... Also switch to saves/characters prior to any changes...(prior to the existence of the location is better )..

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i had the save in another settlement before i placed it was the resting for while before going that seemed to fix, who knows maybe i hit a wrong save, i need to figure out how i can change names on my saves and get them organized better

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