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Request: Radaway heals like a stimpak and radiation-healing is tweaked to 24 ingame hours


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An request for someone to go into FO4 Edit, and make Radaway heal like a stimpak, and have radiation healing to be tweaked for healing rads for 24 ingame hours (affected to 72 hours by "Chemist" max perk)


An vice versa of this basically, but also makes Radaway a long lasting chem:



New effects of the Radaway tweak:

24 hours of -300 rads/Sec (24 hours of -8,000 Rads/Sec with medic perk maxed, 72 hours of -8,000 Rads/Sec with medic and chemist maxed out)

24 hours of +300 HP/Sec (24 hours of +8,000 HP/Sec with medic perk maxed, 72 hours of +8,000 HP/Sec with Medic And Chemist maxed out)

Edited by ZxAsriel
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