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Newbie needs help, no option to import nifs in Blender


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Trying to learn Blender, but hit a snag right off the bat...


I am running Windows XP and have the following installed:


1) python-2.5.4.msi (C:\Python25)

2) PyFFI-py2.5-1.2.2-windows.exe (C:\Program Files\PyFFI)

3) blender-2.48a-windows.exe (C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation)

4) blender_nif_scripts-2.4.3-windows.exe (C:\Program Files\NifTools\Blender NIF Scripts and C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Blender Foundation)


All are installed using the default settings and program folders. Everything installs perfectly, no errors. I can start blender fine. But when I go to File->Import, I only see 3 options - VRML, DXF and STL, there's no Net Immerse or NIF.


I thought maybe a reboot is required, so I rebooted, but still no dice.


Am I missing a step somewhere or doing something wrong?


Any help is greatly appreciated! :)



Extra info that may or may not help - prior to installing PYFFI, I had Python 3.0 and Blender 2.48. But PyFFI couldn't detect Python 3.0 and keeps telling me I need to install Python 2.5.2. So I uninstalled 3.0 and installed Python 2.6. PyFFI still did not detect it, so I uninstalled 2.6 and installed 2.5.4. PyFFI is able to detect this version and the installation goes through fine.

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Huh. That's weird.


Could you put up a screenshot of your file--export dialogue so I can see what it looks like with the options shown? Sometimes that can be helpful diagnosing the problem.

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You'll have to wait about 5 or 5.5 hours from now as I am at work.


As well, just because I'm an organization freak I'm uninstalling all the programs and installing them into another harddrive of mine.


My Raptor :D


If the same thing happens I'll post, if it works I'll post just to let you know.


Thanks for offering to help :-D

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Update: My original problem is now solved, yay!! Thanks all!




Just reinstalling the nif scripts didn't help. In case other people have the same issues, here's what I had to do, but not sure which step was the one that fixed it:


1) Uninstalled all 4 programs and deleted the folders, reboot


2) Installed Python 2.5.4 to C:\Program files\python25, reboot


3) Installed PyFFI-py2.5-1.2.2 to C:\Program Files\PyFFI, reboot


4) Installed Blender-2.48a to C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation, and use the "installation directory" instead of the "Application data directory" for the user data files, reboot


5) Installed Blender_nif_scripts-2.4.3 to "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts", documentation folder goes to "C:\Program Files\NifTools\Blender NIF Scripts"

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Funny, I did the same thing (only I used a custom install directory) and everything works now, I just need to learn how to use Blender to make armor.


If anyone has help or can point me in the right direction please do! I'm already working on the Blender Noob to Pro manual and this is quite fun! I really like developing and this satisfies me greatly.


Is there any other program that is "easier" to grasp more quickly then Blender that will still allow me to create armor?


  shaikujin said:
Update: My original problem is now solved, yay!! Thanks all!




Just reinstalling the nif scripts didn't help. In case other people have the same issues, here's what I had to do, but not sure which step was the one that fixed it:


1) Uninstalled all 4 programs and deleted the folders, reboot


2) Installed Python 2.5.4 to C:\Program files\python25, reboot


3) Installed PyFFI-py2.5-1.2.2 to C:\Program Files\PyFFI, reboot


4) Installed Blender-2.48a to C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation, and use the "installation directory" instead of the "Application data directory" for the user data files, reboot


5) Installed Blender_nif_scripts-2.4.3 to "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts", documentation folder goes to "C:\Program Files\NifTools\Blender NIF Scripts"

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blender is the only free one i can think of, but pretty much any 3d modeling program will do.

3ds max, maya, lightwave, modo etc.


but blender and 3ds max are the only 2 that have nifscripts written for them. mind you, you can export .obj from every 3d program ive seen and you can import those into nifskope


theres a lot of good info in the forums at blendernation.com and blenderartists.org, usually if i have a question someone has already asked it a few years ago and its been answered there :)

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