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[WIP] [REQ] Arcane Abilities


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Having not played Oblivion for a couple of years or so I decided to reinstall and have a look at what new mods were out. A couple of these caught my eye as they made it possible to cast spells when you hit with a weapon, rather than having to cast in the normal fashion. This really suited the playstyle of the sneaky spellsword/assassin/archer characters I always end up being. These mods were 'arcane archery' http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10238 and 'weapon magic' http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16219.


Then of course, a couple of things with the mods started to annoy me and changes needed to be made. This is when the tinkering began... I had not modded oblivion before, so armed with the construction set wiki I set out to rename a couple of spells and other fairly simple things. That was about a month ago... Since then my initial tinkering has developed into a fusion of these mods. It has also spawned a new one. I am now planning to combine arcane archery, weapon magic and my own work on a set of armour into a new mod called 'Arcane Abilities'. This will enable the player to:


1) Summon armour which has a symbiotic relationship with the player, scales with the player, and has various toggleable/custom abilites which can be activated/deactivated on the fly.

2) Cast spells in an alternative fashion by combining the arrows of Arcane Archery with the custom weapon enchantments found in Weapon Magic, e.g. use fire arrows with a weakness to fire enchantment... or frost arrows with a burden enchantment.

3) Embark on a fairly substantial quest involving a new faction, from which the player can learn and master these abilities.


Progress so far:


1) Made the armour/menus/abilities etc in the CS - this appears to be fully working so far but is still a WIP. and needs balancing/testing thoroughly.

2) Ironed out some problems with weapon magic/arcane archery - e.g. 'fixed' (for now) the way arcane archery levels skills, stopped weapon magic from causing a ctd when an enchanted arrow hit a container/door. In the process of trying to alter and balance these spells.




1) A modeler/texture type person - To make meshes/textures for the armour. I am currently just using a placeholder and have no experience of modelling/texturing.

2) A scripter type person/help with scripts - I am having problems when it comes to giving the player the credit for casting the spells attached to the arrows and weapon enchantments. I rewrote the way arcane archery leveled up destruction to use OBSE and the incrementskilluse command. However this only seems to work when using an unenchanted bow, and my attempts to get the weapon magic spells to contribute towards skills have not been successful.

3) A mapper/level editor type person - I used to do a bit of quake 2/half life map editing in the day (and enjoyed doing so), but I find using the construction set to edit scenery an incredibly unintuitive, tedious and stressful affair. Eventually I would like to give the new faction a home, and will no doubt need some new locations for quests to unlock the arcane abilities. However, I would really like to get all the scripts/abilities working as intended before tackling the quest.


If anyone is interested in helping please let me know!

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